NOTAM Debries

  • ACHTUNG, ich bräuchte mal jemanden zum Verifizieren!!!

    Im Korea und Balkan Theater scheinen die Trümmer beim Bombing Run jetzt deutlich höher zu fliegen.

    Ggf. ist das ein BUG Abwurf mit Mk-82 oder MK-84 bekomme ich trotz Gefechtsgeschwindigkeit bei über 1000 Fuß AGL tötliche Treffer durch Debries.

    Kann das bitte bestätgt werden!

    WICHTIG insbesondere für die Jungs in Buchenau. Nicht das die ne Frust Woche kriegen.

  • Kleines Zitat aus einem Post in einem anderen Forum. Der Auszug ist aus einem Debriefing eines Trainings auf einer Bombing Range in BMS. Hier wird gut erklärt, wie man nicht von Bombfragmemts erwischt werden sollte ;)

    There is a difference between a Safe Escape Maneuver, and a Safe Separation Maneuver when bombing. Safe Escape (TMLT or CSEM) Maneuver is to get your ass out of the frag bubble of your own bombs before they impact and explode. Safe Separation Maneuver (SSM) is to simply get you far enough away from your bombs at release before they arm and possible (mal-)function early. These are not the same maneuvers, though they are close.

    10 LD and 20 LD passes put you within your own frag bubble when you release, so you need to do a Safe Escape. 30 DB (and higher) passes do not... in fact, an 'on-parameters' delivery will keep you from ever entering the frag bubble... so Safe Separation from your own bombs are the requirement.

    So (unless the procedures have change since I last flew Vipers, which is possible), a CSEM is a straight pull to a minimum of 5 G's in 2 seconds, held through 20o nose high, and then continued at any G until 30o nose high before beginning any turn. A SSM is a stright pull to a minimum of 5 G's in 2 seconds, held until 20o nose high before beginning a turn. Like I said, very similar, but technically different.

    On your 30 DB passes, you were verbally talking yourself through an (incorrect) CSEM, but performing (correctly) a SSM. Again, it is possible that things have changed since I last flew, but I doubt it... cuz they never changed in that manner in my 27 years.